Wednesday, June 07, 2006
LA LA LA LA... I Can't Hear You

If you haven't gathered already from reading the rest of my blog, I often disagree with Conservatives. And yet, more often than not I understand that Conservatives and Progressives alike, usually have the best interests of the country at heart. But sometimes there are the people that feed my doubt.
Right now, Bush and Cheney are two of these people. Right now it seems like they are much more preoccupied with playing dammage control than with doing actual substantive good for this country. When the Republican Chairman of a powerful Senate Committee feels he has to threaten the administration with subpoenas just to get any kind of straight answer, it makes me doubt the sincerity of POTUS (President of the United States) and his trusty side kick VPOTUS.
Senator Arlen Specter sent this letter to Vice President Dick Cheney lamenting how uncooperative this administration has been in the congressional oversight process. And it's true. There has been practically no overisght over this administrations activities. We've seen it when congress has to find out with the public when newspapers publish investigative articles about NSA wiretapping or even Cheney shooting someone in the face.
Cheney is a Republican. Specter is a Republican. Can't we all just get along? Or short of getting along, can't this solidly, monopolistically Republican government ever share what information they have? Congressmen have security clearance. Specter, as chairman of the Judiciary committee has an especially high clearance. It's not as if they aren't allowed to see or know the information. They can discuss it in a closed hearing. They can share the info they have outside the public eye. But this administration refuses to share national Security information with the same people (Congress) who are charged with making the decision to declare war, and approve smaller military actions as well. Congress is charged with oversight and this administration is being obstructionist. Come on guys. We're all on the same team here. Let's work together ro make sure we do this right - securing our country and obeying our laws. Without both, what good is our democracy?