Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Way To Go Gore

Democrats have started to fight back. It used to be that much of the Democratic leadership was afraid to throw a punch, but it seems that Gore is not. Gore rips the Republicans a new one on the Early Show. When confronted with the idea that global warming might not exist Gore responds, "Well, I guess in some quarters there’s still a debate over whether the moon landing was staged." Way to go. Gore finally made these people look as ridiculous as their argument. You can watch it here.
But its true. There is no more argument in the scientific community over climate change than there is about the moon landing or crop circles or any other ridiculous conspiracy theory. So there you have it. Anyone spouting off about how smog and fossil fuels aren't contributing to climate change must either be ignorant of the evidence or just plain crackpots.
This is what Clinton brought to the table - the ability to fight back. As much as I may agree with Nancy Pelosi or Hillary Clinton's policy stances, they simply roll over and play dead when the GOP message machine rolls out its megaphones. Finally, Clinton's VP has rolled out a few megaphones of his own. Thank God there is finally a Democrat who will do some shouting of his own.
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Well, yes--but remember that b/c he's basically the only one speaking out at this point, the Republican Noise Machine (thanks David Brock) is going to pass him off as a "disgruntled, angry liberal" not worth listening to. How do we counter that?
The same way Republicans couter Dems... by continueing to yell. Make these people look as ridiculous as their stories and eventually we'll win
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