Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Bush Governing in a Fact-Free Zone

We all thought Colbert was exaggerating when he told us to look up all the facts we need in our gut. Surely no politician is that blind to the facts. But it seems he was more right than many of us care to admit. When asked about Al Gore's new movie called "An Inconvenient Truth," Bush quipped "In my judgment we need to set aside whether or not greenhouse gases have been caused by mankind or because of natural effects."Hmm.... Bush has pledged to solve the climate change problem, but he doesn't know what's causing it. In fact, when people tell him the definitive reasons, he ignores them. And this is the man leading our country.
Look at the facts. Not a single peer-reviewed study conducted between 1993 and 2003 challenged the consensus that the earthÂ’s temperature is rising due to human activity. Yet Bush pledged to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Why? He used tobelievee science and now he doesn't? I think Bush has a term for people like that. Ibelievee it was "Flip-flopper."
The White House Council on Environmental Quality Chairman Jim Connaughton has apparently "been giving him [Bush] the same advice [as Al Gore] for years." So every important study in the last 15 years has agreed with Bush's lawyers and environmental advisors and Al Gore, but Bush "isn't sure." What the hell does it take to convince to this guy that we have a problem? As per usual, it seems everyone knows the story and everyone knows the solution except for Bush.
Government has a responsibility to the people of the United States. Time and time again it seams that Bush sees fit to ignore thatresponsibilityy. We can't put up with this anymore.
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Actually that is exactly what Bush is saying. in the face of overwhelming evidence that human activity produces greenhouse gasses and that these gasses cause climate change, Bush keep saying he doesn't want to look at the science.
It wasn't misspeaking. THis is his official position
It wasn't misspeaking. THis is his official position
I am well aware of that tucker. That's my point. Climate change is Real. It is happening and it is caused by people. There is no debate about this is the scientific community. The only one doubting it right now is George Bush and he has no facts to back up his side.
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