Friday, June 02, 2006
Hey Jealousy

WARNING: what follows is only partially serious. If you are allergic or adverse to sarcasm, this post may not be for you. Also you must be as tall as this line to read the following post ________________________________________________
So here’s my new theory: President George Bush Conducts his public policy out of jealousy. It seems to be the only way I can explain the decisions that drove his approval ratings into the 20s or the decision to allow his ambassador to the United Nations to tell Iran, a dangerous axis-of-evil country on the verge of being a nuclear power, to “Put up or shut up.”
Here’s the nitty gritty of my theory. George Bush senior had job approval ratings that hit about 28%. George Bush junior got jealous and so he kept Rumsfeld onboard to drive the Iraqi mission into the ground until Bush juniors approval also hit about 28% or 29%.
Next, the NFL offered Jeb Bush the job of NFL commissioner. Perhaps George W. Bush said to himself “Hey! My brother’s not the only one who can draft people.” So he directed Mr. Bolton, his ambassador to the UN to aggravate one of the most dangerous leaders in the world, to force us into a war we don’t have the troops to fight – thereby necessitating a draft.
Ok… it’s a little bit funny, and it’s a little bit far-fetched. But if this isn’t the explanation for the actions above then what is?