Thursday, May 18, 2006
The Intolerant Bigot Amendment

I am sorry... I normally try to avoid unbridled rants on my Blog, preferring instead to approach issues with conviction, but reasonably calm, collected and even handed. Today, I simply don't have that choice.
Today Arlen Specter's Senate Committee marked up a proposed Federal Constitutional Amendment to ban gay marriage. Knowing Republicans affinity for renaming bills to sway voters, I would like to rename this the "intolerant bigot" Amendment. Honestly, in the 21st century is it still an uphill battle against the ornery forces of ignorance and intolerance just to afford equal rights to citizens of this country?
There are still problems in America. Women are earning 70 cents to the dollar compared to men, Black Americans, Latino Americans and other minorities are still discriminated against throughout society. But at least the overwhelming percentage of the population understands that these are problems. How can a majority of Americans still see members of the Gay, Straight, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender (GLBT)community as less than citizens. It is unfathomable to me.
Come on people, get out of the dark ages. Come to the light. Realize that no matter what your opinion of someone is personally, every American is entitled to all the rights of citizenship in this country - including those associated with marriage.
The only, and I mean only people in this country whose rights are legitimately abridged are convicted felons. Not just the accused and not the probably guilty and not even those who have committed misdemeanors, but FELONS. Felons lose their right to vote. Other than that, they retain the right to a trial, to a lawyer, to freedom of speech, to be married, and to live life as an American.
Shame on Mr. Arlen Specter for even allowing this exercise in intolerance and bigotry to enter the legislative process. Shame on Majority Leader Bill Frist for brining it to a vote.
Kudos only to Senator Russ Feingold who stormed out of the meeting in disgust. I cannot imagine a more appropriate response.
To donate to the Human Rights Campaign to stop this amendment in its tracks go here. Until May 1st, any donation you make will be matched by HRC Board Member Bruce Bastian, doubling the effectiveness of your contribution. Go do it now. Even $10 will help.
Click here to fill out your information so that the HRC can hand deliver a post card to your Senator Declaring your opposition to this amendment.
I normally don't condone this kind of a call to action in my Blog, but even considering such legislation infuriates me. We are America. Land of the free. Let's start acting like it.