Wednesday, January 11, 2006
What Would You Name Your City?

Do you watch the Daily Show? If not, then you should. Besides being hilarious and an incredible platform from which to call politicians on their often ridiculous maneuverings, every once in a while, they dig up a story that is so bizarre you'd think it had to be faked. This week Ed Helms reported that the city of Clark, Texas has taken marketing and product placement to a new level of absurdity. In exchange for providing satellite TV to every person in the city, Clark Texas has changed its name to DISH, Texas.
This town of 125 residents is so new, its founder and namesake, L.E. Clark, is still alive and well living in the town. Though he is outraged that Mayor Burgoff has resorted to such crass marketing, he loves his new Satellite TV. He hasn’t refused it.
I wholeheartedly recommend you watch the Daily Show report which you can find here. Enjoy.
It’s the American dream - becoming so subservient to our capitalists market forces that such sentimentalities as naming a city or state after its founder fall by the way side. I think I might just have teared up a little bit just then… ok, maybe not.