Sunday, January 08, 2006


Lets be Blunt.... or maybe Boehner

The Congressional Culture of Corruption has had a few casualities recently. Abramoff plead guilty to a variety of charges and Tom Delay has decided not to try to reclaim his former position of Majority Leader. Will this be a fundamental and critical blow against the Culture or is it just a superficial wound -- something we citizens can obsess about for a few days, but that doesn't truely reflect substantive change in government?

Either way Blund and Boehner, the two House Republicans vieing for the position of Majority Leader will roll out their platforms in the comming weeks. Republicans are expected to elect a new leader before the month is out.

Both candidates will look to stop to stop the corruption, or at least mop up the mess it has made. Both want to rekindle the Republican vision to outshine the recent setbacks the GOP has felt. Well... Good luck with that.

Democrats can't let this pitch slide by. They have missed a few opportunities. THe last few elections have been huge body blows to the Democratic image and yet they are still too fragmented to put together a coherent platform. Come on guys. The GOP is handing this to you on a silver platter this time. If they can put together some kind of interesting platform and make sure America thinks of Republican and scandal as synonymous terms (this shouldnt actually be that difficult a task), Dems might be able to hit back rather than merely being a Republican punching bag.

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