Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Arnold Running Upstream

Even George W. Bush has admitted publicly that our country is addicted to oil. He announced a campaign to make renewable energy a viable and sustainable alternative, but Governor Schwarzenegger seems determined to let the bandwagon run him over - he just accepted $2 million dollars from big oil companies. A Governor who campaigned against special interest money just accepted $2 million from one of the most dangerous special interests facing our nation today.
I was actually proud that Bush finally capitulated to rising oil prices, launching an investigation into price gauging and temporarily halting deposits to the national reserve. These may only be superficial remedies, but at least the President of the United States has found the courage to use his power to stir the currents of policy change in the right direction. Schwarzenegger, on the other hand, launched a similar investigation and only days later accepted a enormously 'generous' campaign contribution from the same people he said he would investigate. If you ask me, this significant undercuts his credibility - whatever he had left.
There was once a time when Arnold refused to meet with Bush because W's poll ratings were so toxic that Arnold didn't want to infect his own administration. At this point, Arnold might actually be able to learn something.
Now I know this information is something you might be able to find in any given California newspaper, and normally I try to avoid stories when I don't have much to add in the way of interpretation, but The Governor has been trying to keep a low profile recently. He's been biding time after an incredibly politically damaging special election, and as the 2006 election approaches in November, I think we need to be reminded that even when he's laying low, Arnold's day-to-day actions are no less subversive then when he makes the front page.