Thursday, February 09, 2006


Right Hand Over the Bible

So it seems to be the new craze now in Congress: Don't make your witnesses swear in for a hearing. For everyother hearing and trial in the US, witnesses are sworn in. For every political office, politicians are sworn in. Why on earth would you not require the same standards for congressional witnesses? But when Alberto Gonzalez spoke before Congress in an attempt to legitmate domestic spying without a warrent, no one made him swear in.

In all honesty, what possible reason is there not to swear a witness in? I hope these people aren't lieing to Congress, but if they are I'd feel more comfortable knowing we can punish them for it. These are serious issues comming before a powerful legislative body that can actually do something about it. Isn't Congress interested in hearing the truth so they know how to act? Or are they merely more interested in staying in the dark to maintain plausible deniability?

This really is just ridiculous.

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