Saturday, December 10, 2005

In one week my Fall quarter will be over. I will breathe a sigh of relief and head home until early January when I dive back into my books. Fortunately, this means I’ll be able to be will my family for Chanukah. Unfortunately, this means I wont get to see my school friends over the holidays. Because of this, my friends and I have will throw a Chanukah party early before we all go home.
While we college students are going home, however, President Bush is already at his home - the White House, He lives there (or at least is supposed to live there) year-round and will likely stay there through the holidays. Why then, did he hold a Chanukah lighting ceremony more than three weeks early?
Every year the President pardons a turkey (another silly tradition) on Thanksgiving. I am sure there is a Christmas tree in the White House this month, and I am sure there will be a commemoration of the celebration on the 25th. To boot, the White House has a big target to aim at with this holiday. Chanukah is 8 days long! He could have held the ceremony any time that week, but instead held it almost an entire month early. Check a calendar every once in a while. There’s gotta be a Jew somewhere in the White House. Right?
Anyway…. I know this isn’t the biggest problem the White House is facing right now, but sometimes it is just the little things that bug me.