Saturday, September 17, 2005
Lance Goes Off

Year after year Lance Armstrong competes, mops up the competition, says he is done, and comes back to kick butt once again. Now the vicious cycle is over. Lance is finally done competing in the Tour de France. He immediately let loose and reamed the French officials and I applaud him. Even after crippling illness he has proved to the world and to himself that he is a tremendous athlete. He has accomplished what he set out to do, and he no longer has to take crap from the French.
You may recall that a few years back, just after being diagnosed with what should have been debilitating cancer and undergoing extensive chemotherapy, Lance wanted to compete and the French officials accused him of taking performance-enhancing drugs. Even though he was clean, the officials leaked exaggerated and misleading evidence to a French sports meeting. What possible motivation do they have to ruin an amazing and inspirational athlete? During one Tour de France, people spat at him as he passed blocs of onlookers, all because of vicious rumors spread by the very people who were supposed to be making sure that all the competitors were clean.
Finally Lance has said he is not competing anymore and made it official by ripping a couple of Frenchmen a new one. Good for you Lance. You have been quiet and batted around enough. You’ve earned the right to speak your mind many times over. Congratulations!