Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Roberts Recovery

I feel like Roberts is giving almost all the right answers. I know he is conservative, but for a conservatve I like him a lot. He speeks incredibly intelligently and he has said a great deal to appease many of my concerns. Of course there is always the possibility that he'll change his mind once he's sitting on the bench.
A strong beleif in stare decisis is more encouraging than I thought he would be, though it is no guarantee of course. Roberts has been reasonable and calm, and the Senators are tripping over themselves finding ways to be rude and acusatory. Roberts is not the justice I would have chosen since my judicial philosophy -- if you can say I have one -- differs greatly. But he is an infinitly better choice than others Bush could have and was rumored to have on his lists.
As for his comments regarding his writings for the Reagan administration, he has been completely reasonable. When you work for an administration, you write what they want you to write. He was not making policy recomendations to Reagan, we was adding eloquence and legality to the ideas he was given. That was his job -- to be a writer and a legal expert and he did it well. Having worked for a congressperson myself i know that not eveything you write reflects your opinions. You have to write on behalf of the elected official, not on your own behalf.