Tuesday, November 08, 2005

What’s a pirate’s favorite weapon? RRRRRRRRRRR-P-Gs (rocket propelled grenade). Believe it or not, an American-made, Miami-based cruise ship was attacked by Somali pirates last weekend. I know this has nothing to do with politics, but it’s PIRATES!!
A group of pirates in inflatable speedboats attacked a giant cruise liner with machineguns and rocket launchers. I am sorry, I am just having an issue getting over this. It wouldn’t be so funny though, if anyone was killed. Luckily, only one crew member was injured and nobody died. Actually, the giant cruise liner kicked their engines into high gear and outran the pirates’ speedboats. The crew even used non-lethal sonic weapons to repel the pirates.
I was pretty sure the age of piracy was over, but maybe I am wrong. I am sure this is actually a problem for Somolia, a country that hasn’t had a central government for quite some time now. Still, I cant help but chuckle that a group of pirates attacked a ship in 2005. I am glad everyone is going to be ok and that very few people were hurt. Still, I just couldn’t pass up the opportunity to talk about pirates.
Kudos to the passengers and crew of the ship who fought off the pirates.